Thursday, January 6, 2011

NEWS: More Changes to That Figures

Another day, another round of changes!

In our continuing efforts to provide the best possible website, we're introducing some more changes to That Figures.  Following-on from yesterday's introduction of Review Scores, today we're looking at ways to make the site's content more accesible and user-friendly.

The first change is the addition of a Keywords box to the right.  Here you can view all the phrases, labels and keywords used to categorise each Review or News piece at That Figures.  The list uses an alphabetical-sort for ease of use and a scaling function to indicate popularity - the larger a word is in the list, the more articles it appears in.

Among the Keywords list you'll notice we've added the Scores for each Review.  So if you wish to see which toys garnered, say, B+ Reviews, simply select the B+ Keyword from the list.  (Note some Reviews - such as multi-toy packs - may appear with more than one Score.)

Weekly Analysis
You may notice that the ''This Week's Most Popular Content'' box has been removed.  In its place we'll be adding a new weekly feature, appearing every Monday, to review and analyse the week's trends. 

And More...?
More updates and changes will be coming, but in the meantime please feel free to comment and let us know how we're doing and - more importantly - what we should be doing!


  1. Thought this blog was great but now with these changes it will be even better. : )

  2. Thanks - I'm pretty much making it up as I go along so I'm glad the changes are well-received!
