Monday, January 10, 2011

WEEKLY ANALYSIS: Week Ending January 10th

Welcome to the first of a new feature at That Figures - the Weekly Analysis.

Every Monday we'll be looking at our top content and providing a look at the most-viewed features at That Figures

Which figures have generated the most interest?  What brings people to That Figures?  Find out after the jump!

Top Content
Let's jump straight into it with this week's top three most-viewed pages:

1. NEWS: Upcoming Marvel Universe Figures
Given the amount of coverage we dedicate to Hasbro's line, plus the fact that the Marvel Universe toys are the most mainstream line we cover, it's no wonder this and the other slots are occupied by articles relating to that toy line.  What is surprising though is that this News piece - written some time ago and only sporadically updated - is the most-viewed article on the site. Time for a new update, I think!

2. REVIEW: Marvel Universe's Modular Armor Iron Man
Our most-popular Review is no real surprise, given that the Modular Armor (also known as the Bleeding Edge Armor) is the most-recent incarnation of  the wildly-popular Marvel hero, both in-terms of the comicbook and - more importantly here - action figure releases.

3. REVIEW: Marvel Universe's Doc Samson 
A surprise entry at Number Three is Doc Samson.  Given that he's a relatively obscure supporting character, it's interesting to note how many ''heavy hitters'' he beat to land at Number Three.  For the statistically-minded, the Modular Armor Iron Man Review garnered almost twice the views of Doc Samson's Review.

Sources and Searches
How are people coming to That Figures?  Obviously, we have Followers and regular readers  (hello!) but a large amount of traffic is also generated by people searching online for more details about various toys.  So what were people looking for when they found us?

Here are the Top Three Keyword Searches for this week:

Again, the Marvel Universe toys dominate, but what's interesting to note is that the most popular search keywords this week aren't directly related to the top three Top Content entries (although Number Two's ''Marvel Universe Figures Re Releases'' does generate a hit for the Number One  article in our most-viewed pages.)  

And if you were wondering, the Reviews of Spider-Woman and Captain Marvel came in as our Fourth and Fifth Most-Viewed pages, trailing the Doc Samson Review by a margin of almost 50%.

So there you have it.  See you next week for more stat-related fun!


  1. I like the ideal of a weekly analysis. it will be fun to see what will be the trends each week.

  2. Yeah, it's going to be interesting. It's tempting to try and draw conclusions from the (limited) data on hand, though - something I've tried to resist!
