Saturday, February 26, 2011

VIDEO VIEW: ROM the Spaceknight Toy Fair Promo

A recent visitor comment set me off thinking again about this awesome toy.

For those who never experienced it, ROM the Spaceknight was a 12''-tall electronic action figure, which although quite limited in terms of articulation, had a number of cool electronic tricks up its sleeve. He was also the subject of his own Marvel Comicbook, which ironically outlasted the toy (which didn't exactly set the world on fire, sales-wise.)

On a separate note, there will not be any That Figures updates today. I'm off on a toy-hunting expedition and may not be back for some time...


  1. I still want a ROM and good luck on the Hunt and if you find any Micromen/Naughts send some my way. : )

  2. I'm not sure what happened to mine. I think I gave-away all my 12'' dolls/figures when I was a teenager. D'oh!

    And the haul wasn't one of quantity but the quality was good - a HISS Tank (which somebody had hidden behind some CORPS figures, no doubt with the intention of coming back for it) and $9 motorbike/sidecar combo with Beachhead and Rollbar.

  3. Nice! I check a few other stores today while i was out and there GI Joe stuff is almost gone. Making room for some new stuff am banking.

  4. hey you might want to check out this youtube video sci-fi dolls and action figures of the 70's and 80's. being the first electronic doll they of course cover ROM for about 10 seconds followed up by the Micronauts ironically:

    yeah i remember the new Micronaut toy line about 5 years ago based on the original toy line. they were pretty cool but i was out of my action figure collecting phase by then.

  5. Thanks David i will have to give that video a look see. : )

  6. your welcome jboypacman, and while your at it you should check out this other kick ass video on the creation of the resin statue of ROM. it's really well done with good transitions and rock music to go with it. it doesn't have any sort of boring narration.

    by the way, this friend of mine and i once used a pretty high yield firecracker to blow up a his tank in his mother's back yard. it was kind of a waste but it made for a great explosion. there was a figure in the cockpit that ended up in the neighbor's yard.

  7. Yeah, it was a little disappointing today - I found a Cobra figure I didn't have (the Urban one with the guard dog) but somebody had ripped it open and stolen... the guns. *Sigh*

  8. The new Micronauts were a nice idea but Palisades got duped by the outsourcing company they used. It's an interesting story if you've never seen anything about it ( will have the scoop.)

    The Microman figures from 2003 onwards are superb, though - a really nice modernisation of the older style of figures.

  9. Heh, a lot of memories in that I Love Toys video. I think I had almost every toy there!
