Sunday, March 13, 2011

FAN ARTICLE: Micronauts Micropolis by David H.

From David H. comes this great illustration depicting the Micropolis, city of the Micronauts.

Based upon the Deluxe Building sets (which included the Galactic Command Center, Interplanetary HQ and Microrail City), the illustration includes a number of other Micronaut toys, including a Space Glider, the Astro Station, a Thorium Orbiter and more. There's even an Acroyear in there!

If you're a toy-inspired artist who'd like their work featured on That Figures, then email us with your name, links to your site and any other information you'd like to include.


  1. Love this picture so much am using it as my computers wallpaper. : )

  2. Cool - I'm sure David will be very pleased to hear that.

  3. that's gonna make for one busy looking desktop but i'm flattered none the less jboypacman thank you. that's another illustration i did like 14 freaking years ago it's nice to see it getting an audience still.
    by the way Iok, i emailed you a sketch i did over dinner tonight you might find useful.

  4. Another winner here, David! Terrific! I'm quite impressed with your skillz! Wow! Thanks for sharing this with us. :-)

  5. Email received David - thanks! I'll be running that soon.

  6. thanks Argonaut X. it seems you and jboypacman are the two regular commentators here who are also Micronaut fans. it's good to have you guys around especially with you providing some feed back. people who see stuff they like on blogs but don't ever leave any comments suck, plain and simple.
