Monday, March 14, 2011

FAN ARTICLE: Nova Sigma Gyro by Argonaut X

Today's Fan Article is another custom piece from Alexis Dyer AKA Argonaut X.

The Nova Sigma Gyro is probably Alexis' most ambitious design yet, a vehicle created from 114(!) individual pieces. Alexis notes that the only non-Mego pieces - the bubble cockpit, red seat and black tread - are from an Interchangeables Cosmic Amphi-Copter, but the other part were assembled from seventeen different Micronaut toys, including the Hornetroid, Giant Acroyear, Stratostation and more.

For the full list of sources and to read more about this awesome vehicle, you can visit the Nova Sigma Gyro's Flickr Page. As ever, Alexis' other work can be seen on his Flickr Index.

If you're an artist who'd like to see their work featured on That Figures, you can email us your submissions. Please remember to include your on-screen name/credit, along with any other information or links you'd like us to include.


  1. Coolness! Thanks for doing this feature, Iok! Much appreciated, as always! :-)

  2. Thanks for providing the cool artwork!
