Wednesday, March 30, 2011

TOY HAUL - 30th March 2011

I'm not going to attempt to list every figure here, but a few standouts include scoring (finally) a Marvel Universe Jean Grey, a 25th Anniversary Zartan and Baroness (Paris Pursuit), plus movie-versions of Scarlet, Heavy Duty, Breaker and Cover Girl.

Best of all, many were scored for just $5 each.

Expect to see Reviews of all soon.


  1. Lucky Bugger! Its Zartan and he has his Swamp Skier. : D

  2. I was very surprised to see him in Marshalls, tucked-away between some Transformers.

    And I also got the Movie Zartan - it's actually a pretty good likeness of the Vos.

  3. To Marshall's for me this week! lol.

  4. Yeah, you might have to dig about a bit. Big Lots is better for 25ths in my experience but every store is different, so you might get lucky!

    Also, if you have FREDS stores, try them.

  5. Damn, and I JUST picked up a Jean because I knew someone in my circle of "toy" friends needed her!
    Good haul! Gonna have to do a haul post myself. Been too busy to sit down and do review of all the stuff I've piled up in the past few months.

  6. I got the hall of heroes Zartan at TJ Maxx. Excellent figure!

  7. Thanks Soundwave - I was on an extended scouting mission to a few stores I don't go to very often (a couple I'd never even been to) and scored a load of stuff (as you can see.)

    And yeah, I noticed things were quiet on your blog. I hope all is good!

  8. Nice catch, Aries! I'm always disappointed at our local TJ Maxx, as they never have anything in!

  9. We have a TJ Maxx here but I don't do much shopping there. Their toy selection is usually lacking. I'll have to swing by this week and see if ours got these Joe figures too.

  10. Our local one is usually really crappy - ripped-open toys, boxes on the floor, etc, but I was surprised the other day to find four figures in there NOT OPENED!
