Thursday, April 28, 2011

NEWS: MOTUC Releases for 2011

Fan's of the Princess of Power will be pleased to see she's numbered among the four releases in May's Masters of the Universe Classics wave. The bad news? Orders of Princess Adora's alter ego are guaranteed for pre-2011 subscribers only - ditto with Stratos and Whiplash. So if those three figures catch your eye, be prepared to do some rapid ordering when they're made available to the unwashed masses.

The good news is new subscribers will at least receive their Catra figure... No, I don't know, either.

Personally I don't understand why they simply don't produce more figures. Are the $20 subscriptions to the Matty Collector club really more profitable than the revenue they could generate by simply selling more of the toys in an open market?

Anyway, you can see more of the upcoming figures over at the Matty Collector MOTUC sub-site.

Today is a very slow news day.


  1. Whats a sub going for on matty anyway? And i agree make more figures!

  2. It's $20 for a sub that allows you to buy some exclusive figures and guarantees you'll receive the new figures before they're released publically (although obviously you still have to pay $20 or so per figure...)

  3. So you can pick which figure you wish to buy or not to buy then?

  4. I'm not sure. I think they just send you them and bill you automatically...
