Monday, May 16, 2011

CUSTOM CREATIONS: GI Joe: Breaker Custom Gear by Snack-Eyes Barbosa

Regular readers of That Figures will be familiar with the awesome custom work of Snack-Eyes Barbosa.  We've already seen his hand-made equipment for the GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra  Scarlett and Snake Eyes toys and now - in Custom Creations, a new feature that showcases the best in conversions, kitbashes and customised figures - we present his latest work, a new set of accessories for Abel ''Breaker'' Shaz.

In my Review of Breaker, one of the things I lamented was the lack of storage space on the figure. It annoyed me that he had nowhere to holster his weapons or even a case into which his laptop could be placed when not in use. Snack-Eyes shared my frustrations but - unlike me - had the talent and skill to do something about it. And this is the result: a set of gear that includes a backpack, pistol holster and assault rifle case.

And as ever, Snack-Eyes has also kindly included details on how he created this awesome gear.

It's too bad Hasbro didn't think to include a few extra pieces like this, as Snack-Eyes' work really lifts the figure and adds so much more to it.

If you've created your own custom gear, kitbashed a new look from old figure parts or customised your figures in a cool and creative way and would like to have your work showcased in an upcoming Custom Creations, then please feel free to email us. Remember to included images of your work, along with your on-screen name/credit, links to any other photos you'd like to share and a few lines about the process behind your custom pieces' creation.

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