Wednesday, June 1, 2011

NEWS: Marvel Masterworks Sentinel (And Wolverine) Pre-Order at BBTS

Remember the awesome Marvel Masterworks Galactus Hasbro released last year? Well now Big Bad Toy Store has started taking Pre-Orders on the companion piece and second Masterworks entry, the Sentinel.

Standing at 16'' tall and featuring light-up and sound electronic play features, the Sentinel comes with X-Men member Wolverine - and as you can see from the above photo, he towers over the feral mutant.

Retailing at $54.99, the Sentinel's release date has yet to be confirmed beyond ''Third Quarter 2011'' but we'll keep you posted.


  1. The proportions are a little wonky, I will get it but it one be a first day of sale purchase.

  2. I actually saw Galactus on sale somewhere at a fairly reduced price not long after release, so I think I may wait a little before buying. I'll definitely be getting this though.

  3. hey guys, just started reading this blog... its awesome. I'm a MU collector myself but really frustrated at not finding any figures where i live on retail. Thats one of the reasons i stopped collecting Star Wars since last year (new waves just stopped hitting stores, or were bought up by scalpers, hoarders.

    I hope this Sentinel brings back my appetite for collecting again, Hasbro has really sucked the life out of me lately!

  4. Hey Benny - welcome to the blog. And thanks for the feedback - glad to hear you're enjoying the site!

    Yeah, I've found a lot of the same half-dozen MU figures on pegs for a while now. Here's hoping Hasbro can sort out their distribution, as right now there seems no logic to it and hopefully we'll see the newer figures in decent numbers soon.
