Thursday, June 2, 2011

NEWS: Presidential Monsters at the Mego Museum

The Presidential Monsters line from Heroes in Action are just what you'd expect them to be: US Presidents re-imagined as classic monsters. Why? Who knows.

The Mego Museum has the full run-down of the upcoming dolls, including the Ronmy (Reagan as a Mummy), Baracula (pictured above - work it out for yourself) and the Monster from the Watergate Lagoon (Richard Nixon). Yeah, I think the gag had pretty much run out of steam at that point. Highbrow satire this isn't.

Anyway, you can check them out for yourself at the Mego Museum.


  1. Am digging the linconstein myself lol.

  2. Yeah, that almost works. I guess...

  3. They are awesome. I met the creator at D23 this year and he is a really nice guy. I hope these catch on! The Linconstien and the Zombush are my favourites.

  4. I just don't get the humour behind it...
