Friday, June 24, 2011

SITE NEWS: Summer Hiatus

Just a quick update to let you know that That Figures is taking a break for the Summer, but we'll be back at the beginning of July.

Until then, good hunting, play nice and enjoy your toys!


  1. running these blogs and keeping things interesting is almost like having a part time job. completely understandable how one might need to take a vacation now and then. enjoy your holiday mate.

  2. Enjoy the time off i think i should do the same at some point but i just don't know when. : )

  3. Thanks David. I'm hoping to fit in some toy hunting during the trip, so it's a working vacation. ;)

  4. Thanks Jboy, I certainly will!

  5. Shoot... I take breaks all the time... that's when I make toys! will miss your posts! Have fun!

  6. Thanks - the vacation was fun but it's nice to be back...!
