Monday, July 18, 2011

NEWS: Captain America Post-Credit Sequence Reveals...

We've learned that when viewing any of the Marvel ''Avengers Universe'' movies that it's worth sticking-around after the credits. However, I doubt anybody was ready for the surprise the Captain America: The First Avenger post-credit sequence holds...

Spoilers after the jump.

According to The Mary Sue - and confirmed by Nerdbastards - the post-credit sequence is...

The trailer for Marvel's The Avengers.

There's a synopsis of the trailer - which appears even at this early stage of filming to include a number of action sequences and plenty of interaction between the characters - over at Nerdbastards but be warned that the piece includes some minor spoilers.

Marvel's The Avengers is - according to the trailer - due to land in May, 2012.

We'll bring you more when we have it.

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