Wednesday, July 13, 2011

NEWS: Mortal Kombat Toys Video Reviews

Want to see more of the new Mortal Kombat figures from Jazwares?

Then read on!

The first wave of Jazwares' new Mortal Kombat figures will be hitting shelves at your local Toys R Us this week, but if you've been unable to find them for yourself or want to see more of the toys, then Youtube user jtrain997 has put togetgher three in-depth video reviews of the first three figures, presented now for your pleasure:

It's difficult to pass comment without seeing the figures for myself, but I have to say I'm impressed with the sculpting on these toys, even if the articulation isn't quite to the standard I expected. Still, they look cool and I'm sure fans of the series will lap them up.

We'll bring you more when we have it.


  1. I'd love Mortal Komabt toys done like the old super powers range - with the squeeze legs feature - that would be wicked!

  2. Haha! Yeah, that would be cool!
