Thursday, August 18, 2011

NEWS: HitFix Reviews Conan the Barbarian

HitFix's Drew McWeeny sat down earlier this week to watch the 2011 big screen re-imagining of Robert E. Howard's classic pulp adventurer, Conan The Barbarian.

And now he's ready to share.

Although McWeeny describes it as ''the film equivalent of having somebody punch you in the face for two straight hours while somebody screams in your ear'' he seems to appreciate something about it, even if it's simply due to its can't-look-away-car-wreck nature.

If that sounds like your kind of thing, then you'll no doubt enjoy Conan The Barbarian. Personally I think it could actually be fun (the movie, not the screaming and punching bit) but whether it'll be fun enough to get me to actually go to the theatre to see it is another matter...

You can read the full review over at HitFix before Conan The Barbarian opens this Friday.

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