Wednesday, September 21, 2011

NEWS: Ending Of The Dark Knight Rises Is Like The KFC Recipe

Writer-Director Christopher Nolan is keen to protect the ending to the final installment in his Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises. So keen in fact that only five people - including Nolan - actually know it.

And that's not even the half of it.

Sound recordist and boom operator Frederick Z. Roche recently Tweeted the following message:

#thedarkknightrises technical info: The ending sequence is soo secret that only 5 people (Includ Nolan) know it and it will be done completely in vfx.

Sounds insane, right? 

Well according to, it might not be that far-fetched: Roche broke the news that the new movie would feature a Tumbler-like flying device for the Caped Crusader earlier this year. Such an aircraft  has since been spotted on set.

As for the ''done completely in vfx'' comment, keep in mind that the Batman Begins DVD includes some test footage of a CGI Batman and although at the time Nolan decided against using it, who's to say that the advances made since these original sequences were created hasn't now reached a point of realism that satisfies the director?

We'll bring you more when we have it.

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