Friday, September 23, 2011

NEWS: Rise of Cobra's Ripcord Rumour

File this one under ''probably just crank-yanking but who knows?''

A member of the Terror Drome Forums posted a transcript of comments heard during a radio interview with Marlon Wayans, who - among other things - portrayed Ripcord in the 2009 movie GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra. When asked why he wasn't in the sequel, Wayans had some interesting things to say, which you can read for yourself after the jump.

Spoilers ahead.

In the from-memory transcript of the comments, Wayans allegedly joked that the producers ''forgot to kill him'' in the first movie and so ''now they have to do it in the sequel.'' He then stated that GI Joe 2: Retribution opens with Ripcord's funeral.

Could this be the explanation behind both the movie's title and the lack of returning characters from the original GI Joe movie? 

Although Wayans (along with Rachel ''Scarlett'' Nichols) isn't returning in the sequel and this would explain his absence (and possibly even the title), it also raises the question: if he's not a member of the cast, how would he have knowledge of the movie's opening scene?

Take it with a grain of salt.


  1. Wayans was a terrible pick for Ripcord. From a traditionalists POV, Ripcord was Caucasian. Why not cast him as Stalker or any number of other African-American characters. Second, they mate him up with Scarlett which breaks Joe canon. Scarlett was seeing Duke and/or Snake Eyes. Thirdly, he was just a bad actor who was supposed to add comedy to the scenes. It was terrible casting. Terrible chemistry. Glad he won't be back.

  2. I have very little memory of the GI Joe movie. I keep looking to grab it on DVD or Blu-Ray but I can't justify the price tag they're still asking for it...
