Tuesday, October 4, 2011

NEWS: Glyoborg!

Matt Doughty of Onell Design makes no secret of his love of Henshin Cyborg, as this Takara-inspired, Glyos-based tribute shows. It's just too bad Matt didn't share the ''recipe'' for this figure, as I'd love to build a companion piece to my Denys Fisher Cyborg.*

Anyway, you can see more of Matt's homage in this very cool gallery.

* Henshin Cyborg's kid sidekick, Shonen Cyborg, was released in the UK along with the 7'' King Walder and Android A figures as Cyborg, Muton and Android.


  1. I want it! Kev i serious need to get some Glyos in the coming new year.

  2. It's fantastic, isn't it? I wish Matt would sell a ''full kit'' version of all the components!
