Friday, December 9, 2011

FEATURE: Please Support Toys For Tots

With Christmas just a sobering 16 days away, there's never been a better time to help support the Toys For Tots campaign.

If you're not familiar with the program, it's a non-profit organisation that collects cash donations and brand-new toys to distribute to the children of families who wouldn't normally receive any gifts over the holiday period. 

Sadly, it seems the program hasn't received as much support this time around as it has in previous years (this depressing view of the situation and this equally saddening report seems to be the national norm). Of course, the downturn in the economy is biting hard and we're each counting our pennies to make sure our loved ones receive all the gifts we can give them, but still it's heartbreaking to think how many kids will be missing out this Christmas. Of course, the real meaning of the Holidays is about spending time with family and sharing good times. But try telling that to a 7-year old with no gifts to open.

So when you're shopping this weekend for your children, think on this: would they really miss one toy? Will they even notice a midst their Xbox 360s and deluxe play-sets and doll houses that they didn't get that extra GI Joe vehicle or Barbie doll they didn't even ask Santa Claus for? 

Now imagine if it was the other way around. Could you face the prospect of having to tell your children that Father Christmas missed them off his rounds this year?

So please, take that $20 you were going to spend on an extra gift for your kids, hit the sales and buy a toy to donate to the Toys For Tots program. Your actions can make all the difference for a kid facing a Christmas without toys.

And if that's not motivation enough, then here's another plan. Buy-up all those pegwarmers that are stopping your local toy store from ordering the latest wave of toys you need to complete your collection and donate them to the campaign. While you're on, snap a photo of yourself doing so and submit it to Geeks For Tots to stand the chance of winning some cool prizes on top of that. It's a win-win either way.

You can donate to Toys For Tots here or by donating a toy to a collection bin. You'll find them at your local Toys R Us store and other locations.

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