Monday, December 12, 2011

NEWS: GI Joe Zombie-Viper Spotted At Retail

The latest Series of GI Joe 30th Anniversary Figures - Wave 4 for those keeping count - is already landing at retail.

HISSTank poster blayze5150 found the Zombie-Viper on-sale in a Wal-Mart store in North Carolina over the weekend. Presumably the remainder of the figures from the wave - Airtight, Sci-Fi, Lifeline and Law & Order - had already been snapped-up by another collector.

And I haven't even seen Wave 3 in stores...


  1. Am somewhat interested in this one so i shall keep my eyes peeled for one.

  2. There's some really good stuff in these most recent waves.

  3. That's going to be hard to resist if I spot it at retail!

  4. Yup. I'm hoping to catch one myself soon. Maybe even two and use the alternate pieces to create two 'new' figures.
