Tuesday, December 20, 2011

NEWS: Hasbro's Ultimate Gift Sets Spotted At Retail

I spotted the Marvel Universe Ultimate Gift Set over the weekend but wasn't able to snap any pics of it. Thankfully, Phillip at Battlegrip managed to snag not just the Marvel Universe set but also the Transformers and Star Wars packs.

As I don't collect either, I'm not really in much of a position to comment on those packs but the Marvel Universe set is a pretty good deal - providing you don't have any (or in my case all) of the included figures. It is worth noting though that each of the five characters included - Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor and Wolverine - comes with exclusive accessories or colourways (even if in Thor's case this means painting his vest to create a peek-a-book split-side tunic.) That's not enough incentive for me but I'm sure there are obsessive variant collectors out there who'll be happy to see these additions.

You can see more of these Walmart-exclusive Gift Sets over at Battlegrip.

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