Thursday, December 1, 2011

NEWS: Sleepy Robot 13 Retail Store - Your Help Needed!

Lisastarchild - the brains behind the awesomely cute Sleepy Robot 13 line of handmade polymer clay toys - is expanding her business into the world of bricks and mortar retail. But in order to bring that dream to fruition, she needs another $7800. This is where you can help.

You can donate to Lisastarchild's fundraising project by visiting her IndieGoGo project page and making a contribution there. In return, Lisastarchild is offering a variety of incentives, including everything from buttons to prints, t-shirts and figures and much more. And if you're unable to contribute financially, you can help out by directing people there through your Facebook page, blogs and even by distributing these very funky fliers.

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