Monday, January 9, 2012

VIDEO VIEW: Box O Zombies

I hadn't heard of Box O Zombies until I spotted a friend had ''Liked'' their Facebook page and - when I checked it out for myself - discovered just how cool these upcoming 2.5'' figures looked. And now I'm sharing the info with you. I'm sure there's a meta context to that. Zombies. Infection. Viral marketing. You know...

Anyway, Box O Zombies is the braaaaainchild of Shawn Recinto. As the official site explains:

Box O Zombies was initially inspired by Shawn's kids. When ever he saw his sons play with their toys i.e. Little green army men, they usually end up pretending zombies are attacking their solders as the soldier try to protect/defend an area in our daughters doll house. So Shawn looked online for some zombie figures similar to the little green army men and discovered that there were not many options, and the options that were out there didn't have that scary zombie look the toy soldiers should fear, So I pitched the idea to a local artist and thus Box O Zombies were born. 

Series 1 of the toys, which features six different figures and comes in two colourways, is available to Pre-Order now via the Box O Zombie online store for the insanely-low price of just $14.99 (plus S&H.)

You can also see more of the project at the official site, where you can download wallpapers, watch videos and more.


  1. These look pretty awesome! I might be saving my pennies to pick a box up.

  2. Yeah, I only found out about them this weekend. Very cool indeed!

  3. These will look awesome after priming my brush on the Z.O.M.B.I.E set, can't wait to paint them.

  4. Hehe! Yeah, I bet they'll look very cool painted-up.

  5. Hey guys,
    We received our first shipment of zombies and are now taking orders

  6. Awesome - good luck with the launch!
