Thursday, July 26, 2012

NEWS: Matty Collector's August 2012 Inventory

Mattel has just announced their inventory of items for next month's Matty Collector Sale.

Fans of the Masters of the Universe line will, I'm sure, know that the toys celebrate their 30th anniversary this year. To honor that, Matty Collector will be releasing the Sir Lazer-Lot figure as part of the Club Eternia subscription plus, as ever, their Essentials line-up features such classic figures as He-Man, Hordak, Battle Cat and more.

Meanwhile, in the DC Universe... Matty Collector will be releasing a JLU 3-Pack featuring Static, Aquagirl and Micron, plus the Dark Knight Rises Stealth Fusion Batman and DCU Mirror Master. There's also a line-up of Mego-style Retro-Action DC heroes for those of you who play with dollies.

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