Friday, August 10, 2012

NEWS: Upcoming SLUG Zombies Revealed

The second wave of JAKKS Pacific's awesome SLUG Zombie minifigures is shambling its way into stores as we speak, with sixteen new additions to the line. But what's next for this super-cool range of rubbery flesh-eaters?

The official SLUG Zombies site (which you should check-out for yourself, if only for the awesome Zombie Flesh Eaters-inspired soundtrack) features a number of useful resources for the collector, including character profiles, product listings and - coolest of all - a downloadable poster/collector's guide, which includes not just the latest releases but also every planned future release - for a grand total of one hundred figures.

And as you can see from the above images, the line is still set to continue with the great puns and movie/celebrity parodies.

SLUG Zombies Official Site
SLUG Zombies Checklist Poster


  1. I saw Series 3 at a Toys R Us in San Jose on Wednesday. I was tempted, they have a Superman zombie (ala Bizarro) and some cute chick with glasses and a shotgun. But I have yet to jump on this line.

    1. I know - it's odd that Series 2 seems to have only just hit and Series 3 is there right behind it. I know the two figures you mean - they look great.
