Monday, February 4, 2013

SITE NEWS: Back to Basics

I just wanted to post a quick update on some changes I plan on implementing at That Figures.

As you may have noticed (or not...) there were no updates to the site today. This is due to a change in the site scheduling that I've decided to implement in an effort to shake things up a little and give That Figures a more focused feel.

A New - Well, Old - Focus
When I first got back into toy collecting (beyond the odd random toy or occasional action figure) I started posting galleries of my collections on my personal Facebook Page. That Figures grew out of that and a wish to do something fun with my toys, to connect to other toy collectors and share some of my favorite figures and photos.

A Facebook Photo, yesterday
If you look back at the earliest posts you'll see that That Figures was very toy-centric - hence the puntastic name. But over time I expanded the scope of the site to include other elements of pop - or geek - culture and started featuring movie trailers, genre TV news, comics and more. Sure, in some cases there's a pretty direct link, such as with movie spin-off toy lines (or vice-versa) but over the last few months I've come to think that the amount of energy I dedicate to these peripheral elements has taken something away from what That Figures was about. 

Ultimately, I want That Figures to be about toys and toy collecting. And with that in mind, I'm going to go back to the blog's roots and focus more closely on toys, collectibles and other bits of plastic fun.

That's not to say we won't still feature some of these other related topics (I'm currently mulling over doing a twice-weekly post featuring a round up of genre TV, movies and comics) but at its core, That Figures will be all about the toys.

A New Schedule
My goal is to maintain a balance between posting updates when I actually have something to say or share and giving our readers regularly scheduled content.

To that end, That Figures will move to a new update schedule, with fresh content appearing on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. That way I can manage the site's updates in a more cohesive manner but also work within a structure that means you'll know when to expect new updates (although of course there's nothing to stop you visiting on the ''off'' days and catching up on some older content...)

I personally think this is a pretty good compromise that strikes the balance nicely: you'll know when to find the content and I'll have more time to source, create and post it.

This is a work-in-progress experiment right now. If it works out, all is shiny. If not then I'll take a look again at how updates are posted and just what appears at That Figures but my hope is that these changes will be a success. Although of course I'm always interested in hearing what you have to say on the matter, so feel free  to let me know in the comments below!

Oh and yes, after rocking the Goth Black look for the last few years we thought it was time we shook things up a little with a lick of paint. Again, let us know what you think!


  1. Great! Looking forward to the new/old direction Kev. : )

    1. Thanks. I doubt it'll be immediately apparent that I'm doing much different (mainly as I'm not, really) but over time I think it'll become clear where I'm going with the site.

  2. I like the new look, very clean. Excited to see the direction you take this!

    1. Thanks. Like I said above, it's not going to be a majorly radical shift at first but I do want to get back to what's fun - TOYS!
