Wednesday, January 12, 2011

NEWS: Microman Forever Updated

Microman Forever - the world's best Microman resource - has been updated following a hosting issue that forced the site into an 18-month hiatus.

As we reported in November concerns were raised when the site - which had not been updated since March 2009 - went offline.  Upon further investigation it was discovered that the company hosting the site had folded, taking the site with them.  Thankfully site owner Paul L. was able to move Microman Forever to a new hosting company and the site was back online a few days later.

The new content  includes a look at 1982's Acroyear Series AcroSatan (pictured) plus additions to the Star Wars Vintage Series.  With the hosting issue now solved, hopefully we'll see more regular updates to the site.


  1. Glad all is well with the site. : )

  2. If you do pick-up some Micromen this year, you'll find Microman Forever will become your new favourite site.

  3. From what i seen i think it will be so i hope to get at lest one this year.
