Sunday, February 20, 2011

NEWS: Marvel Universe ''Variant'' Re-Issues

It would appear that Hasbro has released a ''variant wave'' of figures as part of their popular Marvel Universe line.

A number of figures -  including Ms Marvel, Warpath, Daredevil and Bullseye - have recently appeared on shelves and through online retailers, sporting new paint-jobs and alternative costume designs. Some of the changes are relatively minor - such as the darker-costumed Daredevil - but others feature some extensive changes, such as Warpath, now available in a red and black costume. 

Most interestingly, the Ms Marvel - Review here - variant uses the original body but with a new head sculpt. Although at first glance it appears to be the modern Ms Marvel head, closer inspection reveals some changes, including the mask's new design. Presumably this is intended to represent the Dark Avengers Ms Marvel.

It's also worth noting that the variant reissues - which were selected from different Waves - still retain their original numbering and back-of-pack text.

Ms Marvel is Reviewed here. Warpath will be Reviewed soon.

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