Monday, February 28, 2011

NEWS: Thundercats 2011 Preview Trailer

Nice but needs more widdly guitars.


  1. the original Thundercats had a lot going for it. the name "Thundercats", their logo, their look/outfits (especially Panthro and Cheetara and the over all animation of the show. the problem was when you actually try to sit down and watch an entire episode you realized the writing was pretty lame for the most part. it's hard to say if they've improved upon that from just this trailer. them having Snarf in it is not a good sign plus i don't like Panthro's new look. i was never into the toys. i've always preferred smaller more articulate figures like G.I.Joe and The Micronauts of course.

  2. Yeah, much as I loved the intro music and characters, I tried watching an episode the other day and it wasn't very good at all.

    It'll be interesting to see how it pans out.
