Monday, February 14, 2011

NEWS: Toy Fair 2011 - Thundercats

Want to see some shots of the tie-in toys from the new Thundercats cartoon?

Action Figure Insider
AFI has a gallery of press images (you can view here), showing the four main Thundercats - Tigra, Cheetara, Panthro and Lion-O, along with a host of play accessories. There's also a ''classic'' Tigra from the Thundercats Classic line Bandai are also releasing.

Cool Toy Review
There's another gallery over at Cool Toy Review, this time of the figures on the floor. The shots give a much better sense of the toys and to be honest... they're a little bit of a let-down. I'll have to see them in-person but my interest-level in the Thundercats toys has wained somewhat, now I've seen these images.

You can also see more of the Thundercats Classic toys here.

More as we get it.


  1. Ok I thought the normal Mumm-Ra looked good and am kind of mixed on Grune so i will have to see him in stores to make my call on him. Outside of that i think i would pick up some the "Classic" ones over all of them if given a chance.

  2. The Mummy Mumm-Ra or the BIG MUMM-RA? I liked both but the new designs are very different and will take some getting used to.

    I agree that the Classic ones look better, but maybe the new ones will look good in-person. We'll see...!

  3. Mummy Mumm-Ra am not for sure on the Big/Everliving version. I think these are going to be a "I must see them in stores"sort of deal before i make any calls on them. I think everyone is going to have a critical eye on these figures outside of younger kids who have never seen the original show or toys.

  4. Yeah, I think that Mummy Mumm-Ra is pretty cool, even if he looks like a Hobbit.

    And yes, that seems to be the general consensus - see 'em for real and then make a call. And of course, the cartoon could be a big deciding factor, too - if it's terrible then that could put people off the figures.

  5. I agree the mummy Mumm-Ra is cool and I think it looks ALOT like the original from the show. Hopefully he doesn't turn out to be a brick like Goldar (can you guys tell that I really dislike him? lol). I like the Everlasting/big version too, but his hands look REALLY big. The Grune is a pretty cool take on him but I do miss the skull should pads he used to have.

    So far I like the figures despite minor nitpicks, but I do wish I could've seen them in the showroom. Apparently if you're not with the media you have to be a "buyer" and make appointments with companies like Bandai, Hasbro and Mattel to visit them.

  6. No worries Soundwave - I feel your pain about the Goldar, as I've had some toy-related disappointments in the past!

    And yeah, I think the new Thundercats figures seem to be very much ''try before you buy'' (well, look at before you buy but that's not as punchy...(
