Friday, February 18, 2011

VIDEO VIEW: Stretch Monster

Ah, gimmick-based toys...

Perhaps the best thing about these... dolls?... was that they made superb weapons. Yes, when the novelty of going ''raar!'' and stretching the... figure?... wore-off, we started using them as bludgeons to club each other during ''fun'' fights. A sock filled with wet sand? Pah. That was nothing compared to the nose-shattering, head-cracking, eyeball-loosening trauma you could inflict with ''playful'' shot from a Stretch toy...

Although my cousin had Stretch Monster, I myself owned an Elastic Heroes Hulk (a Mego toy), which, in the UK was released as part of the same ''Stretch'' line as Stretch Armstrong and Stretch Monster (both Kenner toys.) Presmably UK distributor Denys Fisher simply licensed toys from both companies and combined them into the same line for stronger brand recognition.

Finally, a note to the wise, learned from personal experience - don't store your Stretch toys in the same box as your (sharp) Lego pieces, unless you want the bricks to be permanently bonded together...

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