Sunday, March 6, 2011

FAN ARTICLE: Custom Micronaut Alien Figures by Argonaut X

Following on from yesterday's first Fan Article, today we're showcasing the Micronaut Aliens again, this time in two pieces created by Alexis Dyer AKA Argonaut X.

As Alexis explains, ''both of these are customized/painted action figures I created using the body parts of the original Micronaut Aliens action figures.'' Once constructed and given a new paint-job, they were photographed and from there, Alexis created these Photoshop montage pieces of the new aliens, Spydrox and Sabrewing.

You can see more of these great figures (and other works) on his  flickr page.

And if you're a toy-related artist who'd like to see their work featured, please feel free to email us your submissions!


  1. nothing makes me happier then to see fellow Micronaut fans making good use of their free time.

  2. There are some really innovative designs on Argonaut X's flickr page. It's a very smart way to use all those broken figures and vehicles.

  3. Greetings to all! ...just wanted to say thanks to Iok for taking the time to do this feature on my Micronauts Alien customized figures here on your ThatFigures blog. I really do appreciate it very much! :-) It's a very nice birthday present for me...seeing this feature. I appreciate your compliments too!

  4. Thanks for contributing! And happy birthday!
