Saturday, March 5, 2011

FAN ARTICLE: Micronaut Aliens by David H.

Welcome to the inaugural entry in Fan Article, our - hopefully - ongoing series showcasing the best in toy-related fan art.

We're kicking off with this piece by fellow blogger David H, who, knowing my love of all things Micronaut, was kind enough to share his rendition of Mego's Aliens series (that's Antron, Centaurus, Membros and Repto for the uninitiated.)

Do you have a piece of toy-based artwork you'd like to share? If so then email it to That Figures and we'll feature it!


  1. thanks Iok, this posting is the bright spot in what's otherwise been a really @#$%&#! up weekend so far. i swear i was about to start turning green and burst out of my clothes at one point.
    well, let's hope this inspires some other artists to submit some cool stuff for us all to enjoy. it's always beneficial to include photos of the actual toys to go with what ever illustration is being featured. that way the audience can directly compare the toys with what the artist came up with. copy and paste this url into your browser:

  2. Great job on your Micronauts Aliens drawing, David! Nicely done! Keep up the great work!

  3. thanks Argonaut X. yeah i did that one back in 1997 A.D. i have another peice that is at least Micronaut related you might also like on a blog i run about ROM Spaceknight. i did some cross over art recently because Bill Mantlo was the creator and writer for ROM & The Micronauts comic books. both of which were inspired by the toys of course.

  4. Just checked out that link, David! Very cool I posted a comment there as well. Thanks for letting me know about it. I had a Rom toy wayyy back in the day! LOL.. cool figure. I even had a few of the comic books too, as I recall.

    Keep up the awesome work, David. If you use Facebook, feel free to add me. :-)

  5. i just read the comment on my blog thanks for those words of praise i appreciate that. i like people you can interact with. there are so many people out there who don't leave or reply to comments they get on my nerves after a while. all this blogging stuff wouldn't be nearly as fun if it wasn't for being able to know what's on people's minds out there.
    i do have a Facebook page but i hardly ever go to it since i don't like Facebook. best way to contact me is through the comments section on these blogs or by email for which you can find right below the translator widgets in the right column on the ROM blog.
    here's a link to a posting that features a cool Youtube video about toy collecting i think you'll like. ironically right after they cover the ROM doll they go right into the Micronauts:

  6. i like people you can interact with. there are so many people out there who don't leave or reply to comments they get on my nerves after a while.


    The way I see it, if somebody takes the time to post a comment, the least you can do is take the time to reply and acknowledge that effort.
