Tuesday, March 1, 2011

NEWS: GI Joe 2011 Wave 3 Pre-Order

Both Big Bad Toy Store and Smalljoes.com have the upcoming GI Joe Wave 3 of 2011 toys available now for Pre-Order.

The set of six figures - Blowtorch, Cobra - The Enemy, Cobra Commander, General Hawk, Jungle B.A.T and Steel Brigade soldier - is scheduled for release in April, according to both sites.

Even if the pre-order doesn't tempt you, there's a nice group photo here and individual shot on this page showing a few of the final production-run toys to keep you happy until the release.


  1. Small Joes. Com has these up for pre-sale too with pictures last i looked you might want to check there site out too Iok.

  2. Thanks for the tip Jboy. I'm not sure how I missed that, given I check Smalljoes regularly, too!
