Saturday, March 5, 2011

VIDEO VIEW: Centurions Commercial


The Centurions' big thing was their ability to ''upgrade'' their power-suits with a variety of weapons and even transform themselves into vehicles. Not only did this open-up the storytelling possibilities but it also made for some great toys, as the pieces could be assembled either as directed or combined with other kits to make your own riffs on the originals. It's only recently that I realised how similar this was to the Micronauts' peg and port system, which probably explains why I liked the toys so much (even if I was too old really to be buying them, which I did anyway.) And the fact that Gil Kane and Jack Kirby contributed designs to the show probably didn't hurt, either...

I'm amazed this show hasn't been re-imagined or updated - it's the sort of combination of flashy technology, fast-paced action and toy-based tie-ins that would work really well as a CG-cartoon...


  1. I used to like the concept way back, but what I really want to know is why the Bionic Six hasn't be revised.

    It would make for a great live action show.

  2. I can't say I ever saw Bionic Six, but reading up about it I could see it working as a live action show. It couldn't be any worse than No Ordinary Family...!
