Saturday, March 26, 2011

VIDEO VIEW: Daft Punk's Derezzed from Tron Legacy

Having just picked-up the soundtrack CD, I thought I'd share the Daft Punky goodness of this awesome score.

April 5th cannot come soon enough.


  1. Tron was actually pretty good all the up until he finally finds his father. the movie was really building up to meeting of lost father and son but then it seemed to flounder and became kinda difficult to follow. it's a shame, i was so found of the original. i had the yellow light cycle and a few of the figures and of course who could ever forget the video game? oh well it is what it is i guess.

  2. I liked it and look forward to seeing it again. I thought the idea of the emergent behaviour-model ISOs was really cool.

  3. well it's nice to see as always Iok that we're on the same page when it comes to our opinions about certain movies :)

  4. I'm listening to the soundtrack as we speak and it's just reminding me how much I enjoyed it. But I'm a massive fan of the original, too.
