Monday, March 21, 2011

VIDEO VIEW: Kenner's Star Wars Toy Collection

Star Wars, toys, a camp robot. What more could you ask for on a sunny Monday morning?

I particularly like C3PO's comment toward the end - ''May the Force be with you. And your children.'' Is it just me or does that sound like some kind of threat? ''Buy these toys or an all-powerful cosmic energy will unleash its wrath upon your children.''

Anyway, we did, George Lucas made a boatload of money from it (thanks to his savvy licensing rights agreement) and now we have a Darth Vader who says ''Yippee!'' and is friends with a clumsy Rasta-frog. Had we only known...


  1. wow, i actually remember this commercial. despite how much the pre-quels sucked major " " ya gotta love still love the old school Star Wars. it never really gets old.

  2. Yeah, I loved the toys as a kid but I kind of got tired of too many cash-in/obscure character releases.
