Tuesday, April 19, 2011

NEWS: Atomic Martians T-Shirt Contest

Hey you! Has your Batman T-shirt seen better days (and darker knights)? Does the BPRD on your shirt stand for Blood, Puke and Remnants of Dinner? Are you... yeah, well you get the idea.

Anyway, if you're sartorial sad, then Atomic Martians has the hook-up for you! They're giving one reader the chance to win a T-shirt of their choice from T-Shirt Bordello in their super-simple giveaway. All you have to do is pick-out your favourite shirt and then post a link to it on the Atomic Martians Facebook page.

Their T-shirt giveaway runs until next week (26th of April) so get into gear (ha!) now!


  1. Did you enter?? I'm not sure if I have you on facebook or not

  2. Hi Jason,

    Nah, I was only messing with you about the XL comment. Although I do follow Atomic Martians on Facebook, but under my secret identity...

  3. you should enter. I'd rather see you win over some of the nubs that entered.

  4. Who says I haven't already? :)
