Saturday, April 30, 2011

NEWS: Transformers 3 Trailer

Fans of robotic cars and explosions will be pleased to see that the new Transformers: Dark of the Moon trailer is now online for your viewing pleasure.

The movie, which is set to hit theatres on July 1st is again helmed by Michael Bay and sees Shia LaBeouf return along with his Autobot allies to take on the Decepticons in their battle to claim a Cybertronian spaceship discovered on the moon. Cue lots of explosions and ''comedy'' and - from the looks of the trailer - lots of slo-mo action. Which at least means we might able to be actually able to see what's going on this time around...


  1. I didn't really care for the first film and skipped the second and i shall do the same with this one.

  2. Same here, to be honest, but I know some people like 'em!
