Thursday, April 21, 2011

NEWS: X-Men First Class Trailer

We're probably a day or two little late bringing this to you, but frankly it's a slow news day and given that covering this wasn't exactly on the top of the That Figures To Do list, it's a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone...

I'm still not sold on the concept and I wish they'd used the original, classic X-Men line up, complete with the proper apish Beast (instead of the silly blue-furred supercat) but this trailer is an improvement over the previous one.

X-Men: First Class hits cinemas in June.


  1. Never was a huge fan of X-Men but i have watched the movies(Well i still need to see Wolverine one)but this looks some what interesting.

  2. I think the idea is interesting and the historical setting could be cool (Mad X-Men anyone - and I'm copyrighting that!) but I'd have preferred to see the original X-Men line-up.


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