Sunday, April 10, 2011

VIDEO VIEW: Microman Project Victory Commercial

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Super Steel Microman M20X!

OK, so it doesn't quite work but you can see what Takara were going for with this ad. 

I love the way the early Microman ads feature barely (if) any interaction between the kids and the toys, which gives the impression that the Micromen are actually alive. And this commercial - using a variety of methods including stop-frame animation - plays on that to the fullest.

If only that were true...


  1. that was cool i sure wish i new how to speak Japanese. is it just me or was there something kinda "Supermanish" about that commercial? at any rate it's too bad Microman was just a toy series and not the real deal cause Japan could really use some actual superheroes about now. actually they already have some real heroes over their trying to clean up that mess but i was talking about heroes with super powers of course.
    Firestorm would probably however be the best super hero to deal with the Fukushima plant. his energy/matter manipulating powers would take care of those over heating spent fuel rods and the subsequent contamination pretty fast.

  2. Yeah, he does the whole leaping tall buildings, faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive stuff there... Pretty cool!
