Wednesday, May 11, 2011

HOT PIC: Jungle Assault Recondo and Spirit Iron-Knife

Welcome to the first entry in our new Feature, Hot Pic.

Today's Hot Pic is by Jboypacman from Revenge from the Cosmic Ark and shows GI Joe's Jungle Assault Spirit Iron-Knife leading Recondo (who doesn't have time to bleed) through the jungle as they hunt for the Predator Shadow Tracker.

If you've a cool toy-based photo you'd like to see featured as an upcoming Hot Pic, then you can email your image along with any links to your other work, blog or site, plus any other information you'd like to share with our readership.


  1. Hey i made That Figures! Sweet. : )

    Now if i could only find a Shadow Tracker for these guys to hunt.

  2. Yeah, he can be a bugger to find. I saw one in the wild last weekend but it's the first I've seen since I bought mine.

  3. Your lucky i have only seen him here on That Figures so the hunt continues lol.

  4. I've never seen a Recondo or Spirit Iron-Knife!
