Sunday, May 1, 2011

NEWS: Captain America: TFA Toys Spotted On Shelves

Captain America: The First Avenger is set for release on the 22nd of July, but if you can't wait that long to get your fill of Supersoldier Action you'll be pleased to hear that the tie-in toyline is hitting shelves now...

Fellow blogger Jboypacman over at Revenge from the Cosmic Ark spotted the toys in his local Meijers store (no, I don't know either...) and posted a few shots over at his blog.

From what we can see, it seems that the Winter Soldier, Ultimate Captain America, Battlefield (WW2?) Captain America and ''Heavy Artillery'' Captain America (which appears to be the ''regular'' continuity Cap with a Rise of Cobra-style missile launcher.)

Look out for these toys at your local stores soon. Along with the new Marvel Universe wave. And the Gigantic Battles packs. And the Greatest Battles double packs. And the new GI Joe wave. Nice scheduling there, Hasbro.


  1. I'm excited for when Wave 2 comes out. There isn't much in Wave 1 that i'm going to get.

  2. I'm not sure I've seen the divisions of waves yet...

  3. Iok Meijers is a Michigan based store like Wal-Mart.

  4. Ah, I see - it's not a store we have here, so thanks for clarifying that!
