Tuesday, May 10, 2011

NEWS: Free Thor Digital Comic

Curiously-flavoured-yet-actually-quite-drinkable beverage Dr. Pepper and Marvel have teamed-up to promote Thor, which opened in the US last Friday. As well as featuring various prize giveaways (and even a commercial with Stan ''The Man'' Lee doing his Marvel cameo bit) the promotion also includes this free online digital comic, which is presented now for your enjoyment.

So... enjoy.


  1. I was gonna try this out. But it asked me to enter a credit card. So I said "Re occurring billing?! I say thee nay!"

    By the way after page 12 you get blank pages.

  2. Weird. I didn't get any credit card request...

    And I must admit - I only reported the comic: I haven't had time to read it myself!
