Tuesday, May 3, 2011

NEWS: GI Joe Crazy Legs Video Review at Atomic Martians

Last week Jason at Atomic Martians received his GI Joe 2011 Wave 4 from Big Bad Toy Store and was good enough to share a few thoughts on the line. Today he continues to remind me of how much of an idiot I was not to pre-order the figures with his video review of Crazy Legs.

Head over there now to see how Crazy Legs fares.

UPDATE: Here's our Review.


  1. Dude! They are in stock!! Get on it

  2. I was hoping to see them hit stores last weekend. I'll give them another day or two (famous last words) and if there's no signs, I think I'll order them from BBTS. It's not like I don't have a BBTS account or anything!

  3. No sign of them here yet either Iok but am still hoping they will turn up soon. I spent some "bonus" money i had saved for a few of them on a few other things i could not pass up and i will be posting about them soon. : )

  4. Yeah, it seems very odd the way Hasbro is distributing stuff, State-wise.
