Tuesday, May 24, 2011

NEWS: Gold Dober's Circus Roboids

We've covered the awesome fan project Roboid many, many times here and its creator, Gold Dober, is fast becoming our favourite (if slightly insane) Micronauts fan. Today sees him continue to cement that position with his latest project, the Circus Roboid, a figure made-up from  the unused parts from his Magnus Opus, Roboid.

But before you think of them as cast-offs or manufacturing errors, think again: as he points out, ''there's nothing wrong with the piece physically. It's a color tint cast off. The wrong tint or a tint I didn't want to use.'' So in reality they're more akin to chase variant colourways.

No word yet on when the four-figure run will be available or pricing details but in the meantime you can check out Gold Dober's Homeworld Blog here.

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