Friday, May 6, 2011

NEWS: Halfbad Toyz Update

It's Friday, so that means another update from Halfbad Toyz!

First up, there are some great shots of the upcoming FOEZ figure, Feet Head. Featuring jointed shoulders and removable accessories, with a sculpt by Steve ''oOMoSOo'' Patt, Feet Head will be available very soon. No word yet on pricing or colourway choices but it's fairly safe to assume a similar set of options and (very reasonable) price-point to that seen with the previous FOEZ release, Skekiltor.

There's also a very intriguing 7'' figure sculpted by Plognark''The best part about him is you can use your existing toys with him to create all new figures.'' Intriguing indeed!

Finally there's Halfbad's first non-resin, as of yet unnamed, toy, which appears to be some form of space rabbit...

You can check it out for yourself at Halfbad Toyz. So go do it. Now!


  1. Space Rabbit indeed! We are trying to come up with a suitable name for him. Thanks for th article!

  2. What about ''Alan Quinn the Space Rabbit?''

    (Actually you should run a competition and give one away to the winner. Or would that be a legal minefield?)

    And thanks for producing such great toys!
