Tuesday, May 24, 2011

NEWS: X-Men: First Class Greatest Battle Packs Hitting Shelves Now

Eagle-eyed (or just obsessive) fans may have noticed our Release Dates listings were recently updated recently to include the X-Men: First Class Greatest Battles Packs as being ''Out Now.'' This was a result online rumblings from various collectors stating that they'd found the toys on shelves. We can now however confirm - thanks to this post from Jboypacman - that the X-Men: First Class double packs are indeed now in stores.

What's not confirmed is whether all of these figures are new sculpts or simply repackaged, older figures. That certainly appears to be the case with the Wolverine/Sabretooth pack, which looks to feature the previously-released brown costume Secret Wars Wolverine and Sabretooth from the Blob/Sabretooth double pack.


  1. Posted about these last night. : )

  2. Dude! I'm so sorry - I accredited the spot to the wrong blog! Let me fix that ASAP!
