Friday, May 13, 2011

SITE NEWS: Blogger Issues

Just a quick note to explain the lack of updates today at That Figures. encountered a technical issue yesterday afternoon and was offline while their technical people attempted to find the source of the problem. This issue has thankfully now been resolved but as a result of this and prior real-world commitments, it's highly unlikely that there will be any updates to That Figures today (aside from this one, obviously) and weekend updates may also be limited.

UPDATE: It appears the technical issue may also have erased some previously posted user Comments, which will explain why some readers may find their feedback missing.

UPDATE 2: It's worse than first imagined - all of yesterday's posts and updates have disappeared. As well as a Review of Dreadnok Ripper, we also brought you News on the Wonder Woman TV show, a Cool Capsules Numb Skullz feature, a first look at Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots: The Movie, more Glyos goodness and a video review from Jason at Atomic Martians of the Marvel Universe Cable figure. Blogger's tech team is currently working to restore these posts, but as of yet we have no ETA.

UPDATE 3: Two of the ''lost'' posts have re-appeared but we're still waiting on the other four or five to be reinstated.


  1. yeah i just had to fix a bunch of stuff on my blogs for a good part of this morning! man that was irritating! especially for those who update their blogs on a daily basis.

  2. says they will be attempting to restore any lost posts but no signs here yet!

  3. I've only had two of yesterday's posts reappear. Here's hoping all the effort I put into that Dreadnok Ripper Review hasn't gone to waste, as I don't fancy doing all that again...
