Thursday, May 5, 2011

WTW? ''Sassy'' Cobra Outfits

Garter belts! Cobra Logos! Models in too much make-up!

What the What?

If you've always wanted to dress up as GI Joe's Baroness or run around in a ''sassy'' Cobra  uniform, then now's your chance, thanks to these Cobra-based costumes now on sale at Big Bad Toy Store.

In what appears to be an attempt to reuse some leftover sexy witch/wench/dominatrix costumes, the Baroness outfit comes with a dress, shrug (no I don't know either), gauntlet, belt, petticoat and garters. Strangely though, no glasses. Because Baroness never, ever wears glasses.

The ''Sassy'' Cobra costume includes a similar set-up but also comes with a hat and scarf and is clearly modeled on the ultra-rare S&M Nurse-Viper.

Both costumes retail at a very reasonable(!) $58.99 and come in a variety of sizes, so there's really no excuse.


  1. I don't even think the Baroness would wear something THAT slutty

  2. Maybe there's some ultra-rare figures of her you just haven't seen, Jason... :)
