Wednesday, July 27, 2011

NEWS: Doctor Who's Amy Pond Returning in Season 7

Fans of Karen Gillan and her on-screen alter-ego Amy Pond will be pleased to hear she'll be returning for Season 7.

Rumours of replacement companions and of Karen Gillan (and co-star Arthur Darvill) departing from the show began to circulate last month but during the San Diego Comic Con she confirmed ''I am going to come back, yes.''

During the Doctor Who Comic Con panel, she also revealed that her character Amy still has a secret to be uncovered. According to the actor, only she and Showrunner Steven Moffat know what Amy is hiding, much to the annoyance of her co-star, Matt Smith.

Doctor Who's Sixth Season returns to our screens following a mid-Season break on August 27th in the UK and US.